The GR Children's Museum:
Paging Dr. Hailey. Gosh she is cute.

Little Red Riding Hood.

Loving the Boats

I wonder who had more fun?????

My very musical girl... she LOVED the piano

And Grampi LOVED the drums.... ROCK OUT!

A little munchkin

Baby Ashyr was the focus of the weekend. Here is Grandma Betty with her two littlest Great Grandchildren.

Hailey's hands are SOOO big. She is not so little anymore

This is our first time holding and seeing Ashyr.

Jim coaching Tony on the first poopy diaper...
I love this picture. Grandma Betty's face captures it all.

I survived the 2008-2009 school year. WOW it went fast. I learned alot and am excited to have an even better 2009-2010. Thinking I graduated from High School 10 years ago is something that hasnt quite digested yet.
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