I first of all want to apologize for not keeping our blog up to date. Ever since the move, i've been on the road every week, and we've been totally struggling to keep up on things. (Like I should actually be doing the dishes right now). With that said, I wanted to tell you about a couple of cool things.
This term marks my halfway point in the MBA program. I'll be so excited when this is over so I can return to being a dad and husband fulltime. (and yes Dave, marketing manager).
HP has been doing GREAT on the potty. She pretty much goes on the potty every time she has to go, but we need to work on nighttime next. We're so proud of her. It's funny, we give her m&m's and stickers each time she goes, but she doesn't put the sticker on her shirt, she lifts her shirt and puts it on her belly.
Beth has really rocked Eden Prairie kids and is a great counselor. She does this while making sure i have time to do homework and travel. I don't know how she does it.
My favorite band Phish is getting back together so hopefully I'll get tickets for the Hampton, VA shows. Keep your fingers crossed. We are going to see Ben Folds next Friday and are super excited for that.
Happy Bday to Jules! She turns 40 (i know i'm being nice here, really nice) tomorrow. We love you and hope you had a great time last night. Dad, when she turns her next big birthday, can you please do it on a weekend!
Well, hope this updates you a bit. Again, we know we need to get more into this, but bear with us for a bit.