Hailey celebrated her 2
nd birthday this past week. We had a little party for her as with all the changes in our lives Jim and I were not able to plan a party. Sorry Hailey, but we promised her a big party next year, so mark your calendars. Hailey had a great time, she loves to open presents and also likes to try on everything she gets. She is a wonderful child, she is doing everything a kids should do and enjoying life (
except bedtime). We are so proud of her she can count to 10 (sometimes to 13), sing her ABC's, sings twinkle star,
itsy bitsy spider, where is
thumbkin, and old McDonald, and five little monkeys. She loves to dance to anything and her favorite is "Hailey Jump up and down" she would be happy to show you if you like :). She can put on her own shoes and knows her left from right foot. She really likes Dora and
Nemo at this point. She likes to walk up and down the stairs without help (which can be nerve racking). She likes to play outside at the park swinging or at home riding her bike. She loves to shop and to try on shoes at target. Hailey
definitely has an opinion about things in the last few weeks. She is awesome and we are so excited about what the next year brings.

Happy Birthday Hailey! I remember the call from your Mamma to tell me that you were born!
Happy Birthday Hailey! You look like such a big girl!
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