Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Well I'm almost 30

Well, I turn 30 on Thursday.  I got a package in the mail from Dad and Jules and it had gifts for everyone.  Beth went in with a few parents to to get my an Apple TV.  Pretty sweet.


Anonymous said...

What a mile stone Daddy-O! Congrats I hope you have 60 more great years!
Hailey is looking especially "beautiful" since she is wearing blush I see.
What a big girl you are.
Nana misses you "Big Muches" I can't wait to see you all at Easter.
Keep up the good work with school I am very proud of both of you for your accomplichments! Hugs&kisses-Nana aka Mom aka Pat

LadyP said...

Happy Birthday! You're like old and stuff...yikes! How's it feel? Miss you guys, hope to see you soon!