Hailey has been very busy lately. She in always interested in what Jim and I are doing and tries to copy us to the best of her ability. Her personality is showing more and more each day. Hailey is quite funny, sassy, and loves to laugh. She now says hi, mama, dad, yes, up, uh oh, and uhh uhh while pointing for everything else. When she is tired at night she points to her bed and we lay her down without any fussing. Her foot is healing nicely but still has some swelling. Here is what she has been up to.....
She doesn't know what shoes to wear....

She loves any toy that plays music... she pushes this one and then stops to dance while it continues to play.
She loves to help empty the dishwasher, I think she is already looking to earn some allowance.

She loves playing catch with her dad! She even holds her hands out when its hear turn to catch!
She is learning more every day and is continually watching others and trying new things. She tells great stories and appears to be loving life!
It is so fun to see pictures of Hailey growing so much! I am exciting that you guys will be moving back! Keep me posted!
Glad to see she's enjoying Grammy & Grampy's birthday toy!! She's getting so big so fast....just didn't know if she would play with it much:)
Thanks for all the updates, we sure appreciate them!
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