Last night we got to grill for the first time this season so Patty and Gary came over for a little dinner. HP and Patty made a necklace for Hailey to wear to school.
Well, my little brother turned 30 over the weekend and we decided to surprise him by making a tip up north. Most of the family got to join us for dinner (blasted night shifts kept Devin away) at the Forest Lake and cake back at the Timberlake hotel. The pool is great and HP loved the slides. Oh, and I took the challenge for the big slide, it is actually pretty sweet. Here is our complete album. Hey Willie, you made the blog!
We are now residents of Minnesota once again and reside in Burnsville, MN. Beth works with the Eden Prairie School system, HP is in Pre-School and JD is almost done with the MBA program at UNL.
Life really is crazy